Artist Profile


Professional music life as a bass guitar player that began at the age of 19. Band activities every day after many sessions with many players. And the world of studio players who jumped in without being able to read the music score. Arrangement and composition that I started groping without knowing how to play the piano. Looking back, I feel that all actual production site have made me. Before I knew it, people called me an arranger, a composer, a producer, and so on. However, I feel that the reason why I grow up a little because I don't know much about music theory is because there is always an instrument called Bass Guitar. I played the music I felt on the bass, constructed the sound from the perspective of the bass, and now, more than 30 years later, I wanted to make it asexually. Tsugutoshi Goto (2003/09/24)

Genre: JAZZ
Active area: TOKYO
VITAers Records