Artist Profile


Welcome!, she is Elena (Elena). Urban grown-up sadness and time were used as the work. If you carry out patronage to you I am glad. Then, please give skilled slowly. Shikoku Takamatsu native. Graduation from Musashino Academia Musicae. esperanza (ECO LOVE) Elena (Burning gross) It is a work of esperanza (ECO LOVE) and me. Sincerely Kanon Nose (88seto) singer: -- kohei http://www.mimizukuzu.com/profile/ Elena (tsuyamoete and Burning gross) singer: -- maki (as a pro's narrator and vocalist, it and) [ CM-] Radio The work of these [ narration / pan TEN ] and I wrote the lyrics and wrote music. Postscript esperanza (ECO LOVE) Kanon Nose(88seto)歌手:kohei http://www.mimizukuzu.com/profile/ Singer: maki (they are CM performance and radio as a pro's narrator and vocalist panteen narration etc.)

Genre: J-POP