Artist Profile


From October, 1986 to September, 1988. I took a singer-songwriter course at MICA MUSIC LABORATORY in Tokyo, song writing, home recording with drum machines, hard sequencer, midi sound sources,in 4trucks cassette MTR. 1990 and 1991 I participated in FM Okinawa AXIA MUSIC AUDITION two years in a row. And then I went into hiding and work secretly deeply ... zzzzz. July, 2011 I woke up and took a DTM course at Sakurazaka People's Colledge in the Sakurazaka Theater in NAHA Okinawa ,from July 2011 to October 2012. When those were hard equipments, enormous sound sources, effectors, a mixer (automation possibility) and others, maybe occupy one room.I was dumfounded by such a function being possible with one note PC. My openmouthedness state continued for a while. November, 2013 I produced CD "KAGIYADE BEAT!" independently in November 2013. September, 2014 "KAGIYADE BEAT!" was adopted to one piece of the sound source of 16 sets of Music from Okinawa2014(WOMEX2014 exhibition). Thank you very much.

Genre: Electro.Okinawa.Vocaloid
Active area: Okinawa