Artist Profile

ABEYAAbeya is a collection of musical talent and performers dedicated to sharing the traditional music culture of Japan, in a modern, exciting, and fresh way. Abeya is centered around "minyou," Japanese folk music, and the "shamisen," a traditional Japanese stringed instrument. Abeya began with a vision, shared by the Abe brothers, both of whom are national "Tsugaru-Shamisen" champions, and are recognized worldwide for their talent and approach to Japanese music. The two brothers desire was to create a stable of young, exciting, and powerful perfomers to take the sounds of traditional Japanese music - what some might call the Soul of Japan - and share it with a worldwide audience. Thus, "Abeya" was born. Abeya's music and live shows focus on engaging with the audience, and always with the obejctive of inducing "laughter," "excitment," and "emotion" within listeners, so that everyone can feel the depth and power of the music.
Genre: Japanese Traditional MusicActive area: Whole world
SanRock Music