Artist Profile


Born October 22, 1992 in Japan Since childhood, his father has been playing black music, etc. He owned hundreds of records, grew up in an environment where music was always next door, and when he was 17, he woke up to a song at an audition. Appeared in numerous LIVEs in Kyushu. From there, he moved to Tokyo with the aim of becoming a singer in earnest. At a certain audition, Selected as FINALIST for 15 out of 30,000 people. In addition, he has made guest appearances at many other events held in Tokyo. The one-of-a-kind singing voice, which is rare for Japanese people and has a certain depth and makes us feel sad, has gained support from a wide range of people, not just from the same generation. In 2020, he launched "VOICE -Personal Vocalist Academy-" and is Singer and Voice Trainer, taking charge of students all over the country.

Genre: R&B
Active area: Japan
VOICE Records