Tuki No Shizuku
Tuki No Shizuku

Artist Profile

Tuki No Shizuku

A male and female unit formed in January 2021 by excerpting "Hayase Hatsuki", who was a solo activity by Daichi Watanabe, the representative of Compass Records Co., Ltd. Armed with raw sound and expressiveness, his original worldview is unrivaled. Although it is acoustic, Daichi Watanabe, who controls the instrument based on a sound that is as good as the band, uses the acoustic guitar, cajon, and bell at the same time. Spreading the world view of music is Hayase Natsuki, who is in charge of song and expression. Their performances become one and become artists who boast infinite possibilities. It has also received a certain high level of praise in terms of visuals, and has received rave reviews from everyone involved. Armed with raw sound and expressiveness, his original worldview is unrivaled. A male and female unit that pursues an acoustic yet band-like sound.

Genre: Acoustic
Active area: Tokyo

Haduki HayaseSongs and expressions
Daichi Watanabemusical instrument
