Artist Profile


Composer, sound artist, voice artist, and pianist who creates a universe of sound that celebrates the beauty and wonder of the essence of life. She has released 1 album and 1 single under the name Masako Kimbara, and 4 albums, 5 singles, and 3 collaborative singles under the name Sound Artist maco. When she moved her base of activities from Tokyo to her hometown of Fukuoka, she changed her name to Masako MUSICA and made a fresh start in 2024. In her music, she expresses the universal and essential "sounds" that resonates deep within the natural environment and people's lives, even if they cannot be heard with the ears. The foundation of classical and contemporary music composition, learned at Tokyo University of the Arts. Dynamic expressiveness developed through working as a musician. Delicate sensibility for "sound" honed through 15 years of experience as a sound healer and sound healing instructor. By integrating her past experiences, the world of sound she creates now becomes even more colorful, and at the same time simpler and more transparent. Her music is full of the "essence of sound" that encourages people to love life, enjoy life, and live naturally, healthily, and happily.

Genre: Post-Claasical, Classical, New Age, Ambient, Minimal, Piano, Healing, Nature Sounds
Active area: Fukuoka, Japan
Aurum Records