m o m o
m o m o

Artist Profile

m o m o

Born in Kobe, Japan in 1986. Graduated from Osaka College of Music in 2008, with a major in guitar. She currently teaches acoustic guitar at the Bremen Music School in Japan. During her childhood, Momo aspired to become a musician like her father who is a pianist. She learned to play the guitar from Seiji Takano and Keigo Fujii. When playing the guitar, she single-mindedly focuses on reaching to the hearts of her audience. When something sparks inside her in real life, or when something shakes her heart, she is moved to write music. Every song has a story and love. Her dream is to become the best guitarist in the world. She has appeared on NHK TV shows and received many awards, such as the First Prize and the Original Arrangement Award in the FingerPicking Day 2014, the First Prize in the San-in Guitar Competition in 2006, and the Third Prize in the Japan Guitar Competition in 2005. soka gakkai international nichiren buddhist.

Active area: 兵庫県