
Artist Profile


Graupel is a Japanese metalcore/melodic hardcore band from Tokyo, formed in 2015. As of 2020, Graupel has released an EP: Fade Away, a full-length album: Bereavement and 3 singles: Horizon, Etherial and Towpath. Total sales is over 5,000 copies and their YouTube channel is viewed over 700,000 times ever.
 Graupel is one of the most upcoming heavy music band in Japan, shared the stage with many successful band like, Crystal Lake, coldrain, Emmure, Counterparts, Taken, Stray From The Path, Fit For A King and more other bands. Their sounds are inspired by many genre: classic metalcore, hardcore, djent, black metal and post rock, and they mix every inspiration in higher level and create original sounds. They play a lot of show in Japan and sold out many shows in Tokyo and Osaka. 
It's hard to get the tickets for their own event in Japan. Their shows are well known for full of aggression and excitement. Their latest single Fade Away got a lot of good responses from all over the world and from popular influencers and podcasts like Nik Nocturnal, State of the Scene, The Red Herring and Lambgoat.

Active area: 東京都