deweydewey delta are:
エフオピ / taira / ハッチャキ カリン
dewey (due:i) is an electronic music unit whom orgnized by efuopi(right side system) and taira(left side system). dewey delta is an 3 piece techno band who Hacchaki Karin joins to dewey.
Behavior of dewey is “More rich conceptions than stalemate techniques.”
dewey delta's conducts are based on "Alignment as Dissipated, Tranquility as Ferocious".
Both musics aim to beautiful corruption and accurately failure.
Don't miss it their sounds.
dewey delta(デューイ デルタ)は、エフオピ(上手側システム)、ハッチャキカリン(ドラム)、taira(下手側システム)によるテクノ3ピースバンド。
tsuqugrow label