Artist Profile


Our unit "AOIHOSHI" provides works created in collaboration with nature as a "Flower messenger" cooperating with Keita Kawasaki, a flower artist. Bioelectric current as a source of all life! It's been five years since we came across an instrument to transform bioelectric current into musical scale. Melodies heard from the instrument were free and gentle we have never heard before, exactly expressing nature. Visiting various forests across the country, we have started to play with various plants. Playing with plants at each forest is actually once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Focusing just on sounds of each other with tacitly coordinated arrangement, we play music keeping our minds empty. Then, next thing we knew was a pleasure of "oneness" itself. While it may not be so long before it is scientifically verified, we believe that music created in that way will lead many people to nature and profound comfort as well.

Genre: Healing music
Active area: The World