Artist Profile


aoi12sai / artist,singer / songwriter / model / video creator / queer she/her Aoi is an artist, singer, songwriter, model, video creator, and queer she/her, who has a unique world view and has many fans in various genres. She loves world culture and has sublimated her music into the next generation of POP, which is popular among a wide range of fans, from young children to music lovers. She directs all of the music videos for the "Arakawaya" and does all the filming and editing. Under the name "Arakawa Wako," she was a member of a comedy troupe chaired by Ijiri Okada for seven years from the age of 18 to 24. In 2022, she released "Minami no shima (fictitious)" in collaboration with "Puni Puni Denki" and in 2023, she released her first EP "POV".

Genre: POPS
Active area: Tokyo