
Artist Profile


Hello. I'm a newcomer who just started. thank you. Until now, I wanted to stand out, but I had the troubled personality of being shy. People can't change the parts of their innate personality that don't change, but I think there are things that can be changed with effort. I think music is a wonderful thing that can excite people's emotions, make them feel good, and move them. In some cases, music has the power to change a person's life. I am grateful that I was able to meet music. Even if what I could do was small, if I could do something even a little, I had no choice but to do it. I am happy to be able to break out of my autistic personality and make a presentation. I make music with the hope that my music will reach wonderful people. We are looking forward to hearing from you. And thank you very much for listening.

Genre: POP
Active area: Internet space (globa)


Evelyn Records & Co.