Tokyo Metal Club
Tokyo Metal Club

Artist Profile

Tokyo Metal Club

Tokyo Metal Club is an international heavy metal band. The band was formed in 2018 by vocalist/guitarist Geoff Vader who lived in London and guitarist AG.K(aka Yan) based in Tokyo. They first met in Australia where they formed their first band "Hard Wired Candy" which naturally broke up as AG.K moved back to Tokyo. In 2017, AG.K and Geoff tried writing a song together. They were both satisfied with the outcome and decided to proceed write more songs.They both listened to Classic Heavy Metal band such as Judas Priest, Stradivarius, Metallica, Iron Maiden etc. Their music is basically old school Heavy Metal which they grew up on but is not limited to that. Their debut album "Tokyo Metal Club" showcases wide variety of songs from blues rock to more heavy modern metal featuring 7 sting guitars.

Genre: METAL
Active area: Tokyo
Above Da World Records