Artist Profile


A three-piece band based in Tokyo. female twin vocals, A thick rhythm with a driving guitar. without getting too heavy Sound that also has lightness, Impressive lyrical melody. In July 2007, released the album "Mega Buster Rhythm". This was produced by "Kiyoharu" Appeared at "JAPAN EXPO" held in Paris, France in July 2009. 11 performances in 5 European countries for the first time. After that, signed a contract with French label "Ankama/Bishi Bishi", Recorded 2nd full album "HANGYAKUSEIMEI" in France, "HANGYAKUSEIMEI Europe Release Tour" is carried out. This lasted for about a month and spanned 13 performances in 5 countries. After that, he released albums and singles. In July 2021, a streaming one-man live will be held for the first time in history.

Active area: 東京都