Artist Profile


A unit with leader Keisuke (actor: Keisuke Morita) and sub-leader Takuma (singer: Takuma Wada). Meet each other through a common person. Takuma co-starred on a personality RADIO show Since 2008, he has been working together as a member of "Nyantaboo". In 2021, "I won't lose to Corona! Create fun with entertainment! Formed "TABoo" with the slogan "TABoo". Start with Takuma supporting the thoughts of leader Keisuke! Currently, Saitama cheering party Hasuda City, Saitama Prefecture Public Relations Ambassador Ambassador of Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture Served as a public relations ambassador for Matsukawa Town, Nagano Prefecture, and contributed to regional revitalization. Keisuke is active in movies, commercials, reporters, STAGE, etc., mainly on the stage. Takuma is active in various fields such as songwriting, composition, singer, TV, RADIO, and EVENT moderator.

Genre: POPS
Active area: JAPAN