Artist Profile

Sayaka Hiraoka

17歳で結婚,出産,19歳で離婚,シングルマザーで18年育てあげたこどもも巣立ち,第二の人生を再婚と大好きな歌がスタートさせてくれた. 転機は3年前,希死念慮が職場で巡り精神科に任意入院,双極性障害とADHD注意欠陥多動性障害の発達障害の診断が降りる.仕事もできない家事もできない,なにもなくなった自分にあったのは歌が好きそれだけでした. 病院のカラオケレクリエーションで歌い始め,ひとりカラオケに行き歌う. その頃,同じく歌が好きな現在の夫と出会い,オリジナル曲を作成し,シンガーとして歌うことに挑戦し始めました. 退院後,過去のわたしのように苦しむ人たちに向けて癒しの音楽を届けたいという想いから,カウンセラーとスピリチュアルの勉強をはじめ,歌で癒しを与えるヒーリングシンガーとして活動しています. I got married and gave birth at the age of 17, and divorced at the age of 19. My son, who grew up as a single mother for 18 years, also nested and started a second life with remarriage and a favorite song. At a turning point, three years ago, the mortal therapist θ went to work and was voluntarily admitted to psychiatry, and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was diagnosed. I couldn't do my job, I couldn't do my housework, and all I could do was love songs. He started singing at the karaoke recreation at the hospital and went to sing alone to sing. At that time, I met my current husband, who also likes to sing, created original songs, and started to sing as a singer. After being discharged from the hospital, he has been working as a counselor and spiritual studyer, and as a healing singer who gives healing through songs, with the desire to deliver healing music to those who suffer like me in the past.

Genre: J-POP
Active area: Tokyo