Sawako Kojima
Sawako Kojima

Artist Profile

Sawako KojimaSawako Kojima was born in Yamaguchi, Japan. Her parents are Catholic. They took her to church every Sunday. She started learning the piano at the age of six and later became absorbed in writing and singing songs. In 1995 she formed Bossa 51 with Pierre Takahashi and Togazen. Bossa 51 released three albums through MOTEL BLEU: Blue Songs (1998), Flower in the Ice Cube (1999), and Boa's book store (2002). Joined lots of compilation albums. In April 2014, she released her first solo album "kai no futa (seashell's lid)" through her own label Poisson Dans L'eau Musiques. Also experienced commercial song work. In May 2020, she released her second album "mon jardin (my garden)", including church music, which is her roots. In spring 2025, she will release her third album "Bon Anniversaire (Happy Birthday)".
Genre: J-POPActive area: Japan
Poisson Dans L'eau Musiques