
Artist Profile


Artist Name:Nor We put deep emotion and complexity of life into music. A J-POP genre that combines lyrics and AI-based composition. The goal is to delicately depict the various moments and emotions of life, provide empathy and solace to the listener. The musicality is a fusion of gentle female vocals up front, acoustic, piano, and J-ROCK elements to match the lyrics. This combination brings both warmth and strength to the songs at the same time. The songs explore themes of life, in everyday life, messages that are both accessible and encouraging to the listener. The melodies are emotional yet comforting at the same time. Each song weaves its own unique story, evoking deep emotion and empathy in the listener. Through music, she explores the beauty and complexity of life, joy and sorrow, and hopes to build a strong bond with her listeners through this exploration. I aim to be an artist who can influence and move the hearts of many people in the future. Translated with (free version)

Genre: JPOP
Active area: Osaka