Artist Profile


Born on 1/1/1986 at 1:00 AM, AB type Jr. BONG," who has been jammed with information from the very beginning, is a party rocker familiar not only to those in the reggae industry in the Kanto and Kanagawa regions, but also to those in the club industry. He came to Tokyo from Kagawa to play in a band, but was shocked by reggae and decided to become a deejay, and ended up in Sagamihara. While steadily building a career in this town where various street cultures intersected, he started working with producer TOMI-O, who became the mother of the reggae crew "AK-MOVEMENT". The first full album "Jr. BONG" was released while gaining a certain reputation with the "Chain Smoker Mix" series that spread its name, expanding the field of activities to the national level. While continuing to release their 2nd full album "NEXT PAGE" and numerous V.A. releases, they shifted their base of activities to their hometown in Kagawa Prefecture and are now running on two feet with "Udon Hustler", in line with the recent social situation. While many people's activities slow down with changing circumstances, this man has not changed at all, as he says in a line from his hit song "Country Pride It doesn't matter where we are, we've got Country Pride. The following is an example of a good example of this. Keep an eye on this guy!

Genre: Reggae
Active area: Kagawa