Cocco hitomi
Cocco hitomi

Artist Profile

Cocco hitomi

Rookie Vtuber [Hitomi CoCo] "Challenged Vtuber" with visual impairment 1st single "SHU !!!" coming up on February 28, 2021 <Comment> Greetings to everyone! This is Hitomi Cocco. My left eye is an artificial eye, and my right eye is a progressive illness that gradually reduces eyesight. What does it mean to be blind? How do I spend everyday life? If you can tell everyone about it, I may be able to deliver a different kind of "fun" to you. With that in mind, I have started Vtuber activities! Let's make a lot of unique and fun memories together! To everyone! Yoro CoCo! <Slogan> "Fun is freedom" I want to live everyday life and brightly. I just want to have more fun with everyone. Special skill: Playing Japanese drums (Wadaiko) Favorite things: Nail Art, Music Festivals, Matcha Sweets, Drawing

Genre: J-POP
Active area: Tokyo